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    Golden Child 結果共5筆

  • Excessive screen time contributes to Myopia surge in Taiwan

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on Taiwanese students’ eyesight, with 81.61% of high-school students, 73.16% of junior high school students, and 45.23% of elementary students experiencing poor eyesight in the 2022-2023 academic year. Excessive use of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is a major contributing factor to the prevalence of myopia, the most common eye condition among children. A survey conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation in 2019 found that the average age at which children own their first phone is ten. Ophthalmologists warn that individuals with myopia over 500 degrees are three times more likely to develop glaucoma and 5.5 times more likely to develop cataracts compared to their peers. The risks escalate for those with myopia over 700 degrees, as they are 44 times more likely to experience retinal detachment and 127 times more likely to suffer macular degeneration. Even successful myopia laser correction does not eliminate the potential risks of ocular diseases, as thinning of eye tissues and elongation of the eye axis persist. The golden period for myopia control is considered to be between 3 to 18 years of age, and various strategies such as increased outdoor activities, the use of mydriatic agents, Orthokeratology, daily disposable contact lenses designed for myopia control, and the latest children’s vision management lenses can be employed. These alarming rates highlight the urgent need to strike a balance between technology use and effective prevention strategies and early treatment for Taiwanese children.
    2024/01/03 20:06
  • 22歲男星慘遭球桿砸傷!「顏面骨折」急動刀 工作全喊卡

    22歲韓國男星普閔為團體「Golden Child」成員,擔任副唱及舞蹈,也出演過《請融化我吧》、《重回18歲》等電視劇,憑藉俊俏帥氣的外型,被韓國網友封為「高顏值偶像」。不料今(29)日傳出遭到高爾夫球桿砸傷臉部,必須動手術治療,工作全面喊卡。
    2022/09/29 22:46
  • 【今日熱搜】小小彬/Golden Child/肯德基/金曲獎/停課

    2022/05/19 11:53
  • Golden Child成員驚傳「急性肝衰竭」命危!住進重症加護病房

    由韓國Woollim娛樂打造的全新十人男子團體「Golden Child」,今年1月才剛於日本發行出道單曲專輯《A WOO!!》,怎料今(18)日驚傳擔當主Rapper的24歲成員TAG(孫永宅),因「急性肝衰竭」命危住進重症加護病房,需緊急接受肝移植手術,但此說法遭經紀公司駁斥。
    2022/05/18 22:29
  • 韓疫情延燒歌壇 SEVENTEEN篩檢陰性

    又有韓國偶像歌手確診,韓國團體「Golden Child」成員宰鉉感染新冠肺炎疫情,光是這兩天,韓國確診人數破千例,不少韓團行程受到影響,像是SEVENTEEN經常去的髮廊傳出有確診者,經紀公司緊急暫停演藝工作,要求成員和工作人員篩檢,所幸結果都是陰性。
    2020/12/18 13:32
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